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Bet on Black or Red: A Guide to High-Stakes Choices

Bet on Black or Red: A Guide to High-Stakes Choices

The roulette wheel is a fascinating gambling tool. From its design to its colors, it is arguably perfect, and wagering is straightforward. Directly or indirectly, aside from betting on zero, players bet on black or red.

By indirectly, we mean 17 out of the 38 numbers in an American roulette are colored red. Direct bets, on the other hand, suggest placing a wager on either color without picking a number. And this is a common practice. Some of the most astonishing winnings in roulette were via this betting style. So, how do you play roulette at the casino? The simplest answer is ‘knowing what you’re doing’.

One such incident involves Mike Ashley, a billionaire and ex-owner of Newcastle United. Mr Ashley, in 2008, visited Mayfair Casino and wagered over $600,000 on the color black and won over $1.5 million. Imagine the odds.

Another outstanding story is that of Ashley Revell, who, in 2014, sold all he had, his house, belongings, and beloved German car, BMW, and went to Las Vegas, where he staked all his cash at the roulette table. Ashey wagered $135,000 on red only, a daring move that earned him $270,600.

Inspired by these examples, you might want to bet on colors on a roulette wheel. It would be wise to think that twice. This Vegas casino news will reveal the truth about this betting pattern so you can decide your lucky color.

Bet on Black or Red and Keep It Simple

The two common types of roulette wheel are the European and American versions. On European roulette, there are 37 numbers. 18 of which are colored red, and 18 are black. The single zero present is green. The same goes for American roulette, except it has an extra green pocket double 00.

To further distinguish the colors on a roulette wheel, remember that the odd numbers in the range 1 to 10 and 19 to 28 are red, and even numbers (11 to 18 and 29 to 36) are black.

Black or Red Odds and Payouts

Knowing how to bet on roulette is simple. If you place a bet on black or red in roulette, you are going for outside bets. Outside bets cover a large section of the betting table with increased winning probability but reduced payouts.

The red black roulette odds are 48.65% for the European wheel and 47.37% for the American version. And regardless of the type of game you are playing, the payout for betting black or red on roulette is 1:1. This means if you wager $25, when you win, you will get $25 extra, bringing your total payout to $50. This is considered low when compared to placing a wager on a single number, which has a 35:1 pay but with a low chance of winning (2.70%).

Players often ask ‘what numbers hit the most in roulette’? Every number has an equal chance of appearing. However, some analyses report that numbers like 17, 23, and 24 have appeared more frequently in specific datasets. Nevertheless, this does not imply any predictable trends or patterns.

The Excitement of Choosing to Bet on Black or Red

The odds and payouts of red/black bets in roulette are arguably not enough for someone to sell all their properties and wager on them. But players do it, and for a number of reasons.

Cultural Beliefs

Among many casino games enthusiasts, there are beliefs that colors have meanings. In some cultures, red symbolizes courage, love, and excitement; in others, it signifies danger! The color black can represent wealth and power. On the flip side, black can symbolize sadness, evil, and darkness.

These beliefs can influence how a player perceives red or black in roulette—those who hold on to the positives of each bet accordingly. You can learn much more about the features of the roulette, its odds, and how to use this in your favor, with our American casino guidesection.

Gambling Horoscope

For those who believe in a zodiac sign, especially the new generations, the prediction of their lucky color in roulette can depend on their gambling horoscope. They can bet on black or red based on their traits as determined by astrology.

Gambler’s Fallacy

Successive losses incurred by betting on a color often make players fall for the gambler’s fallacy, which is the belief that an event’s outcome will be positive after a long streak of negatives.

The story behind this bias occurred in 1913 when a group of gamblers visited the Monte Carlo Casino to play roulette. They began to wager, but the tiny ball on the roulette wheel stopped on black ten consecutive times. The players thought it was time for the ball to land on red. Therefore, they wagered a huge sum, and alas, when the wheel would stop, the ball landed on black again. Red didn’t show up until after the 26th spin, causing them to lose so much money.

A player might bet on black, believing that the result of their next gambling session would be positive since the previous was not.


We cannot deny the courage of those who didn’t mind what people would say but went all in to wager in their conviction. Ashley Revell would have been homeless if he had not won. But he took the bold step, and it worked. This also confirms the randomness of roulette gaming outcomes.

Strategies for Betting on Black or Red in Roulette

Red/black is an outside bet that is great for those who want to minimize their risk. The primary roulette strategy with black and red is the martingale strategy.

This betting strategy involves doubling your wager when you lose. For example, you place a $2 bet on red, and the ball lands on black. For the next round, you are to increase your wager to $4. If you win, you will be paid $8 based on the payout ratio of 1:1. Your total wager is $6; therefore, ($8-$6) = a net gain of $2.

The martingale strategy can work, but it requires a large bankroll. However, the willing probability of black numbers on roulette is the same as that of red.

Why It’s Always a Thrill to Bet on Black or Red

There isn’t a single proof that choosing red or black in roulette is better and vice versa. The odds of winning are the same for both European and American roulette, and the payout is 1:1. So, the best color to go for is the one you are convinced about. But remember, previous results cannot influence future outcomes. Now that you know the bet on black meaning, visit the best online casino to have fun all day wagering on your favorite color.

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